Salaried worker一覧

ANA Naha-late night Haneda flights is why popular?

Naha ANA implemented from 2014-shank seems very popular again this year late night Haneda flights (flight Galaxy) becomes the third year from the service start. It is a warm day for Okinawa in the summer is a popular tourist destination, depending on the schedule difficult even award tickets or regular tickets. I consider the Galaxy flights provided by ANA why popular?.

And who should be on the ANA Mileage Club land Mylar

What kind of person with the person should become a land Mylar?As you're supposed to save ANA mile, aiming for first class and business class, the senior member of lot of money is not required.It is ordinary office workers and civil servants capable of achieving enough.Earn more mileage but rather by utilizing point site is a great way to company employees.