Earning mileage on cheap SIM

Cheap SIM to begin earning your ANA mile

Cheap SIM contract has been much better lately since in combination is utilized as a way to lower rates of Smartphone cheap SIM, SIM free handsets and available at great rates.

Introducing the MILEAGE SIM can save ANA mileage cheap SIM in this time.

Those two have already used cheap SIM, and from this SIM free phone since planning is recommended.

What is SIM free?Also said that deals so please look at this time.



First of all what is the SIM card, SIM free phone?


Recorded the unique ID to identify the subscribers (telephone number) and the SIM card mobile phones and smart phones to communicate is that the SMART card is required.

Everyone in your Smartphone must be inserted should be.


I think in front of SIM card put the device you have purchased a Smartphone in the major carriers to easily transferring yourself may not be.

It is from all terminals on SIM lock (to terminals and SIM cards for only certain things does not make) key until a little while ago was terminals sold by major carriers.

Recently, SIM free handset (phone lock is not held) are increasing.


It is is unique in a nutshell, ever Terminal and communication set can be bought only choices each of communications terminals and be getting that.


What is ANA mileage will earn MILEAGE SIM?

Is a SIM card there are several cheap SIM, ANA mileage earning MILEAGE SIM only.

It is enough mileage on card, purchase a SIM card but not earn ANA mileage depending on the usage of each and every month.

If you have a SIM free handset, can be used.


Where you can buy the MILEAGE SIM would be three.

ANA shopping 

YAMADA (web & store)

Yodobashi camera (web & store)


And how ANA mileage to save on MILEAGE SIM


By agreement of the SIM card and use there are three ways to earn miles.


Earning mileage on the membership

Join and earn 250 mileage as an enrollment bonus miles.

To yet start earn frequent flyer Club card number is needed to contract, so that first need to join frequent flyer Club and credit card ready.

We recommend the thing paid for credit card payment, your own point ratio you have good cards.


Better than waiting until mileage so bad conditions after joining the campaign over time, so you can usually get in membership, get 250 mileage out at as well.

This enrollment bonus mileage even when followed by points on credit cards and other promotions can be gradually in most cases, less is more, so I don't know.


Earn mileage by month

Earn more per month (basic miles) with a monthly ANA mileage 20 miles.

This is the flat monthly automatically earn 20 miles, regardless of either of the two plans.

By joining 250 miles, 20 mileage x 12 months 240 miles, will save at least 490 mileage in one year.


I feel very little figure of 490 mileage from mileage saved as hapitas and the MILEAGE SIM is from 0 mph-490 miles, so cheap SIM users once consider is it?.



And replaced by mileage to earn mileage with MILEAGE SIM happy an extra monthly amount is reduced.

Earn extra packet size 300 MB for each 10 mph

It is 10 mileage remaining packet is reduced in excess of the monthly packet capacity 300 MB each.

People each month a certain amount of communications must not be too well what may be much better there communication charges variation by March?

And the HAC 2009 weren't-and I think that is.

Replace the remaining capacity at that time, did not use MILEAGE SIM if mileage is back.

For example, if you weren't in the contracted monthly 7 GB plan, using the minutes was 2 GB in one month is 190 miles, will accumulate.



7 GB plan: base 20 mileage is automatically allocated.

Using the 7 GB of 2 GB, the remaining capacity is 5 GB (1024 × 5 = 5242 MB)

Get at 5242 MB to 300 MB for each 10 mileage grant, so mileage is 170 miles.

20 mileage automatic granting of + 170 mileage = 190 miles.


Affordable SIM service packet data remained on "MILEAGE SIM' earn ANA mileage 20 mileage per month over the life of the telecommunications services, without using in the monthly data communications capacity 300 MB each earn 10 miles,

"MILEAGE SIM', increasing the remaining packets to save monthly data traffic, the use of Wi-Fi in addition to setting reasonable service charges, the result of increased mileage

How to travel like a communication service using smarter, smarter to earn you want to recommend.

Earning mileage expected is estimated "residual packet mileage earning Simulator in the service page. 


Put SIM card here without unreasonable ANA mileage saved, as well as communications staff already cheap SIM also familiar from this considering how well candidates?.


However, we recommend ANA mileage coaches saved many more… whether or not this SIM and earn 1000 mileage over the years using point site earn more.


How to earn mileage in ANA point site and how to use them


Earn more mileage and how to use the ANA Mileage value and how to replace the summary

ANA SKY coin change would value how much is 1 mile?

Is there a way to transfer mileage outside the family?

Thought about how to extend the mileage expiration of ANA!

Mileage accumulation, then buy?

If you want to earn the planned cancellation of credit card

