I think mileage ANA pigging critical leverage point site, point sites have come up with the same issue, and each point site (sometimes larger), the difference in points scored.
It is obtained might even earn points other than hapitas are featured on this blog is looking toward the future and continue using the hapitas.
And because of that
From the first year focuses on the 2-3 year
I think those saving mileage point site by Ana often sees the points earned on each deal.
I think sites can compare points of issue for each point site, so everyone is utilized for.
That is because it becomes difficult and comparison site is very convenient but go choose highest points in each case should be taken.
Registered first point site is in Japan so there are a number, so all that hard to manage.
Email addresses are standardized to one number of emails every day and end up utilizing a point site is good, 10 even 20 many too, I can't judge.
Which the mail is sent from point site, or think you might have not seen at all.
It is, but you see mail in once in a while or they contain deals, but won't notice much.
Unfortunately resulted in Miss a long time if all of Rangers first deals.
Things to score points on a regular basis, rather than information on comparison sites could choose a site a lot of points earned in the short term, than the first year second year or third year since points can easily pick and go save ANA Mileage from the point it is important.
Don't is recommend on our blog hapitas second year after the third year, is how you can earn points on a regular basis has been established.
Read here about the hapitas and easy-to-understand → Active first step point site hapitas to the ANA Mileage usage summary
Active first step point site hapitas to the ANA Mileage can easily be written in summary usage as first year alone 100000 points or 200000 points you accumulate.
That is how to earn easily by myself after 3 years and decreases.
It projects can't I sign up only once per year-is doing in the second year.
Bentō projects do twice or three times alone isn't quite large number of points and saved a large amount of high-rate reduction purchases such as the direct money pay issues is impossible.
So on a regular basis even after 3 years use a friend referral system to earn points for.
Glance, a friend referral system, and is often seen images like a Ponzi scheme, but withhold (first point?) System, not be granted from point site system, so my friend referral system have no disadvantages.
Friend referral system to take advantage any one
I'd better say to present friend referral system to any point site,.
To increase the number of users point site without ads to TV COMMERCIALS, magazines, newspapers, etc., make friend referral system.
Therefore, points given by my friend referral system is most appropriate is regarded as a position, such as advertising expenditures in the world.
Is the system introduces a part as friends and friend referral system, to receive the thank you.
Several percent of points varies depending on site conditions, but with about one person per point and also introduced friends doing the deal grants point site from referrals.
Leverage point site also started to go on a trip, get friends to three years ANA mileage point at which we deal in their certain points are regularly and continuously, will come.
Important point grant conditions;
In the section above, "site varies depending on condition that" I wrote where number is the reason in some point site recommended hapitas.
Friend referral system has better point site other than hapitas.
Let's compare the friend hapitas friend referral system and other sites (where as the hapitas one point 1 Yen moppy) system.
Referral rewards;
1 per 100 points
Range of friend
s; 2 tier, (just introduce yourself and friends, would be subject to conditions)
Stage; 1
friends → → → → 10% point reduction
2 friends → → → → 15% point reductio
n 3 friends → → → → point redemption
rate 25% 10 friends → → → 30% point
reduction 50 friends → → → point red
emption rate 35% → 100 friends 40% p
oint reduction → 500 friends 40% point reduction → + 1 bonus (5000 p
oints) of 1000 friends point reduction ratio 40% + bonus 2 (10000 points)
Ineligible projects;
Referral rewards;
1 per 50 points
Range of friend
s; 2 tier, (just introduce yourself and friends, would be subject to conditions)
Stage; fri
ends one more → → → → point redemption rat
e 50% (no point redemption rate 50% the number of friends)
Ineligible projects;
Are better thus comparing hapitas and moppy and moppy?I think many people think.
Moppk stages, not simply more easily, and reduction rate higher benefits big looks, is the focus of isn't here.
Notable last item "excluded cases" is.
IMPROVED points greatly during the normal point grant projects in all eligible, not any issue if the hapitas would be outside the scope of the friend referral system.
On the other hand, a moppy exempt projects there are.
Most of the issues specifically and can earn limited amount is excluded.
surprising to read the email case referrals coming from moppy and massive projects are presented, but be sure * not covered by my friends about written.
moppy sites at issue, affordable deals no matter what is outside the scope of the friend referral system.
And not doing the project yourself in this very accumulation of points.
Long 1-2 years, 3 years later will somehow be nice.
Introduced far via moppy shop with your friends at once migrated to the point site is good, but better conditions if it is the end.
Hapitas're friends 10 and which only one actually points to not even 30% of the points are eligible.
Here comes the benefits due to the number of friends.
Let's see what the difference is if you have only one my friend and if you have 10 friends.
< Happy friend per person if:
Happy friends one 1 month 20000 poi
nts to win from hapitas 2000 points gives you
> If the happy friend 10 <
Only one out of 10 happy friends earn 20000 points 1 month (other people e
arning 0) → give you 3000 points from hapitas
I'm only 20000 points as acquired enough, there are friends, get more than 1000 points.
Without having actually won the point, and I'm good you have just registered.
Also we have done projects on their own and happy friendship gradually increasing from the first year, 3-4 year regularly and continuously, you can earn points.
Take a look at, try using hapitas happy friend system.
It is recommended that you do from the registration read this article.
Active first step point site hapitas to the ANA Mileage usage summary
Read also this article
ANA mileage earning dramatically if we all do it!How to save ANA mile
Earn more mileage and how to use the ANA Mileage value and how to replace the summary
Credit card and mileage and the true relationship
Why so few points site visitors?