How to take ANA Mileage award tickets review


Go on a trip abroad this summer miles are trying out ways to earn mileage standard point site?


So I didn't understand that award airline ticket request for the first time, we will explain while showing the award ticket application screen this time.


It is recommended that saves and ANA mileage just started and still leverage point site, not with follow up tickets well, take the tickets you are looking for, it's not so keep in mind beforehand.


Who has taken the award several times, taking in the schedule, already accustomed to the view of the site and how to use the popular line of popular thought out, are used to working.


During stay in touch with those people with tickets, "would you do it?", And lost and looking into the ticket take because it can no longer be the minimum knowledge is put inside your own head is smooth.


To access page of the award ticket at the ANA web site


To apply for tickets, access


Select a domestic award tickets here for international line.

It is selected displays a dark navy blue.

We have selected international flights, so continue on the part of the international description.

Of the screen when you select the show "domestic award tickets >" from "international award tickets >" to and switches.


So the new "international award tickets >" and then proceed to the next.


Bonus air tickets international flights


Since the switch to ANA Mileage Club member login and go to the next page.With a membership number (10 digits) and password, please login.


Switch to a screen similar to the following when you sign.


To search, enter your redemption booking fly and information


And ANA reward air ticket departure selection screen

On the screen you access Book Award and the return has been selected;

This situation cannot take tickets in return for international flights.


Description in the simplest one city round-trip, one class only because (more on award tickets to Hawaii (Honolulu) elected first).


Select departure city, arrival city and departure date and the return date set after specify the number and class, search click.


This departure Haneda to arrive in Hawaii (Honolulu), select the number one, consider specifying the benefit economy class (with friendliness and clearly I think 1 person… unlikely to Hawaii!)。


And to do so the following flight information is displayed.



Select a round trip flight


ANA award flight ticket flight information Haneda who Noll


Select your outbound and return both vacant dates.

Displays the minimum number of miles, so enough money owned mileage of your own to be confirmed!


Direction both vacant once you have chosen the dates of next to continue.


To see your benefits


Review of ANA award ticket information


Displays the number of mileage required for the award type is selected itinerary and flight information, award tickets and sign up.


Besides the number of mileage required on the sidebar on the right as the total displayed amount, including taxes and fuel surcharges.


Caution is required because no matter how much even a lot of ANA Mileage taxes and can't pay by the ANA Mileage this is that cash is going.


Paying a considerable amount of Pocketbook now in crude oil prices and the appreciation of the yen spent fuel surcharges, etc. is delicious when said high crude oil prices and the depreciation of the yen.


Please note the way this expenses can be settled soon, not available on tickets.


Confirm and proceed like review comes out.


Final confirmation of flight information and input of personal information, etc.


ANA air ticket services offer confirmation


Here to confirm, without question, then enter your information and enter your payment information, will be completed.


I'd also take the award tickets starting from this flow is put in the head.

But rarely do I would want to remove the popular route during the high season is straightforward and

, Alternatively referred to as trick already performed much better, so no longer a straightforward there are.


I think this trick (how to take the tickets on popular routes in the high season) is also in another post to tell you about.


This article also read those saving miles


How to earn mileage from a table of contents when there are things put together earn more mileage and how-to articles, indexes articles, please see.
Earn more mileage and how to use the ANA Mileage value and how to replace the summary


Is the most important article together three-step needs to be done in order ANA mileage to get easy the heavy.

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s way earn ANA Mileage dramatically if we all do it!How to save ANA mile


A large mileage point site hapitas is required.

Register referring to this article is not yet registered to hapitas.
Active first step point site hapitas to the ANA Mileage usage summary


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